Europavorhersage - 05.11.2023
Heavy rain & scattered showers
Breezy and wet for most

Issued: 0530hrs Sunday 5th October 2023
Duty forecaster: Ishani Mistry

Unsettled with wet and windy conditions for most of Europe

Rain across Portugal, heavier in the north, and across north and western areas of Spain, turning heavy at times. Patchier showers in central Spain, and drier in southern and eastern areas. Dry and sunny spells across the Balearics. Showers over Corsica and Sardinia. Heavy rain and feeling breezy across western Italy, spreading into central and some northern areas. Rain in western Greece, and drier to the west. Some isolated showers in south western Turkey, but dry and bright elsewhere.
Persistent rain with some heavy pulses across France, Germany, and Poland with strong winds. Heavier rain in central Europe, across Hungary, Austria, and Switzerland. Also prolonged heavy rain and strong winds across the Balkans, particularly across Albania and Montenegro.
Breezy in Denmark, and frequent heavy rain across the Low Countries, feeling windy here as well. Drier yet windy across the Baltic States, with some heavy rain in northeastern areas of Lithuania. Windy with rain, turning heavy across northern and southern Sweden, but drier in central areas. Rain too in southern Norway, also in some northern regions. Prolonged heavy rain and strong winds in western Finland, with some wintry showers across central and northern regions. Dry yet cold and breezy further south.

Rain across Portugal and northern Spain, but drier and brighter in the south. Pleasant conditions in the Balearics, and some light showers across Sardinia and Corsica. Light showers across central and western Italy, drier in the south. Dry and bright across Greece and Cyprus, with some light isolated showers in northern and western Turkey.
Windy and showers, turning heavy at times across France. Patchy showers and a strong breeze in northern Germany and Poland, but drier in the south. Mostly dry across central Europe, with some light patchy showers in Austria and Hungary, spreading into Croatia. Some patchy showers and breezy in the northern Balkans, but dry elsewhere.
Persistent rain in Denmark, and some showers across the Low Countries with breezy conditions. Showers, with some turning heavy across the Baltic States. Heavy rain in southern Norway, and some rain and drizzle across southern and central parts of Sweden. Heavier rain and some showers in southern Finland. Drier further north of Scandinavia, but potentially some snow on the northern coasts.

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