Europavorhersage - 15.10.2024
Cloudy prolonged heavy rain Spain to Scotland
Dry & sunny Norway to Greece cold in North

Issued: 0730hrs Monday 14 October 2024
Duty forecaster: John

Tuesday 15 October
Generally mild though cloudy with outbreaks of rain Scotland and Ireland, cloudy with outbreaks of rain across France France, with prolonged and often heavy rain Portugal and Spain, 20C. Sunny spells for Belgium and into the Netherland towards Denmark 10C. Norway and Sweden dry with sunshine 5 to 10C. Remaining dry with sunshine Poland Poland through to Belarus, Slovakia to Ukraine towards Hungary and Romania increasingly cold temperature briefly 5C with frost becoming persistent. Dry with sunshine and variable cloud for Germany, Switzerland Switzerland and Austria with outbreaks of rain increasing towards evening. Dry with sunshine for Italy, 15C generally, Bosnia to Albania and contnuing generally warm for Turkey and Greece.

Wednesday 16 October
Remaining dry with sunshine though generally rather cold through southern Sweden and Norway Norway temperatires briefly 5C though near oC for high latitudes and valleys. Dry and sunny, staying cold with frost likely to persist during the day 0 to 2C, Estonia to Poland including to Ukraine and Romainia Romania. Dry with sunshine for Denamrk, into Germany, Belgium and Netherlands 15 to 20C. Cloudy with rain generally across Austria to Switzerland, with snow for Alpine and high altitude .Cloudy with rain prolonged and often heavy for Scotland, all of Ireland, into France and across Spain and Portugal Potugal 20C for most of France though 15 coastal Portugal.