Europavorhersage - 26.11.2023
Cool much of Europe
Milder far west

Issued: 0530hrs Sunday 26th November 2023
Duty forecaster: Simon Keeling

Cool much of northern and eastern Europe, but a little milder in the west

Another dry and bright day across Portugal and Spain as well as the Balearics. Much of France will start dry, but a band of rain will push east across the British Isles through the morning spreading east with outbreaks of rain across France and the Low Countries too. Some rain turning into snow over higher ground in Germany otherwise Poland will be cold but dry. Central Europe will be dry but with quite cold temperatures. Across the Mediterranean and as the low pressure system moved quickly towards the Black Sea, it will be much drier and brighter with good sunny spells but with cold temperatures too. Winds will gradually ease away.
Across Scandinavia even though Sweden and Denmark will remain dry with some brightness, a low coming down from the north will give some snow across Norway Norway, mostly to areas close to North Sea.

Rain for northern parts fo Spain on Sunday. A few showers in western Portugal otherwise the rest of Iberia is dry and sunny. Some broken cloud in the Balearics. Heavy showers for Sardinia and Corsica with heavy rain in northern Italy, showers in the south. Greece will be fair and sunny with more sunshine affecting Turkey too.
Unsettled with wind and a risk of some heavy, thundery rain in France. Heavy rain for the Low Countries and western Germany, a few showers in the east. Poland will be mostly dry and cloud. Patchy rain in Hungary and Austria with some rain in western parts of Switzerland.
Denmark will be fair with sunshine throughout. Wind and a few bright spells for the Baltic States although a risk of snow in the east. Windy and cold in Finland, dry in the west but snow later in the east. Some showers showers in eastern Sweden and breezy here. Norway in Cold and mostly dry.

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