Europavorhersage - 30.04.2023
Dry & fine east
Hot Spain

Issued: 0530hrs Sunday 30th April 2023
Duty forecaster: Alexi Venerus

Staying unsettled with heavy showers and rain across central Europe.

Most staying dry across Spain, however, watch for a few developing heavy showers in the east later which look to affect the Baearics through the evening and overnight. Portugal will remain dry and warm. Unsettled throughout Italy with heavy showers as well as longer spells of rain. Scattered showers across Greece and largely dry through Turkey.
Cloud and heavy showers across western France, drier elsewhere. Dry and fine with sunny spells across the Low Countries, Germany, Czechia and Poland. Rain through southern regions of Switzerland into western areas of Austria.
Another dry and fine day across Denmark with a better day through the Baltics. Southern areas of Norway, Sweden and Finland are also mostly dry though breezy. Further north a mix of rain, sleet and snow.

Spain and Portugal staying dry and fine, while the Balearics continue to see a shower risk. Unsettled still across Italy with heavy, thundery showers as well as longer spells of rain. Showers pushing on in parts of Greece though the islands look to remain largely dry including the Turkish resorts.
Unsettled with showers as well as longer spells of rain across much of France though drying up across western areas later. Heavy showers and rain through Switzerland into west Austria, drier further east. Cloud with patchy rain across the Low Countries and Germany though most should remain dry. Dry through eastern Europe.
Patchy rain affecting Denmark today, while the Baltics stay dry and fine. Largely dry across Finland though rain moving in across the far south. Mixed through Norway and Sweden.

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[30 Apr - 04:42]
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