

Kalifornien - Luftdruck NN
Mittwoch 10.04.2024 12:00 MESZ

Stationen: 185 Luftdruck NN Tendenz (hPa in 3 Std.)
Alturas Flughafen (1341 m) 1024 hPa fallend
Auburn Flughafen (467 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Barstow-Daggett Airport (587 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Beale Air Force Base (38 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Bicycle Lake Army Airfield (716 m) 1018 hPa steigend
Blue Canyon (1611 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Blythe Airport (118 m) 1015 hPa steigend
Brandon (409 m) 1006 hPa - 0,0 hPa in 3 Std.
Brantford Flughafen (246 m) 1013 hPa + 0,6 hPa in 3 Std.
Brown Field Municipal Airport (160 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Buchanan Field Airport (7 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Burbank (237 m) 1016 hPa fallend
Calgary Int'l Cs (1081 m) 896 hPa + 1,4 hPa in 3 Std.
Camarillo Flughafen (23 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Catalina Airport (488 m) 1017 hPa steigend
Chico Municipal Airport (73 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Chino Airport (199 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Churchill Climate (29 m) 1008 hPa - 0,1 hPa in 3 Std.
Churchill Falls (440 m) 1024 hPa steigend
Columbia Flughafen (646 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Corona Flughafen (163 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Crescent City (17 m) 1024 hPa fallend
Davis Flughafen (21 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Derby Field (1190 m) 1022 hPa fallend
Discovery Island (15 m) 1027 hPa + 0,4 hPa in 3 Std.
Downtown Los Angeles (82 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Edwards (701 m) 1019 hPa steigend
Edwards Air Force Base (705 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Estevan (581 m) 1010 hPa + 1,1 hPa in 3 Std.
Fallbrook Flughafen (216 m) 1018 hPa gleichbleibend
Forestburg (721 m) 1020 hPa + 2,0 hPa in 3 Std.
Fort Frances (342 m) 1008 hPa - 1,0 hPa in 3 Std.
Fort Mcmurray (369 m) 1014 hPa steigend
Fresno Yosemite Intl. Airport (100 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Fullerton Municipal Airport (29 m) 1017 hPa fallend
General William J. Fox Airfield (712 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Gillespie Field Airport (117 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Grates Cove (46 m) 1013 hPa + 2,8 hPa in 3 Std.
Great Falls Climate (253 m) 1007 hPa - 0,2 hPa in 3 Std.
Half Moon Bay Airport (20 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Hanford Municipal Airport (75 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Hawthorne Municipal Airport (19 m) 1017 hPa gleichbleibend
Hayward Executive Airport (14 m) 1021 hPa fallend
Hollister Flughafen (70 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Imperial County Airport 1015 hPa fallend
Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport 1016 hPa fallend
John Wayne Airport (16 m) 1017 hPa gleichbleibend
Joint Forces Training Base (11 m) 1016 hPa fallend
Kelowna Ubco (456 m) 1028 hPa + 1,3 hPa in 3 Std.
La Grande Iv (306 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Lake Superior Provincial Park (401 m) 1010 hPa - 0,2 hPa in 3 Std.
Lake Tahoe Airport (1909 m) 1023 hPa fallend
Lincoln Flughafen (37 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Livermore Municipal Airport (121 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Lompoc Flughafen (27 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Long Beach Airport (12 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Los Angeles Intl. Airport (30 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Madera Municipal Airport (77 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
March Air Reserve Base (468 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Marin (1 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton (24 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (134 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Marticot Island (22 m) 1014 hPa + 1,7 hPa in 3 Std.
Matagami (280 m) 1008 hPa steigend
McClellan- Palomar Airport (100 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Meadow Lake (481 m) 1015 hPa + 1,7 hPa in 3 Std.
Meadows Field Airport (150 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Merced Regional Airport (47 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Metropolitan Oakland Flughafen (6 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Modesto (30 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Moffett Federal Airfield (12 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Mojave Air & Space Port Flughafen (849 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Montgomery-Gibbs Executive Airport (129 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Murray Field (18 m) 1024 hPa fallend
Murrieta Hot Springs (412 m) 1018 hPa gleichbleibend
Napa Flughafen (10 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Naval Air Facility El Centro 1018 hPa fallend
Naval Air Station Lemoore (73 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Naval Air Station North Island (8 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake (696 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Naval Outlying Landing Field Imperial Beach (6 m) 1018 hPa fallend
Naval Outlying Landing Field San Nicolas (174 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Needles Airport (302 m) 1015 hPa steigend
Nut Tree Airport (34 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Oceanside Municipal Airport (9 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Ontario Intl. Airport (287 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Oroville Municipal Airport (57 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Oxnard Airport (13 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Palm Springs Intl. Airport (141 m) 1017 hPa gleichbleibend
Palmdale Regional Airport (774 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Paso Robles Municipal Airport (255 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Pekisko (1415 m) 861 hPa + 1,2 hPa in 3 Std.
Petaluma Flughafen (27 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
Placerville Airport (788 m) 1022 hPa gleichbleibend
Porterville Flughafen (135 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Prince George Flughafen (680 m) 1027 hPa + 1,0 hPa in 3 Std.
Quesnel Airport Auto (545 m) 1029 hPa + 1,4 hPa in 3 Std.
Ramona Flughafen (424 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Red Bluff Municipal Airport (108 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Redding Municipal Airport (153 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Revelstoke Flughafen (445 m) 1029 hPa k.M.
Riverside Municipal Airport (249 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Rohnerville Airport (120 m) 1023 hPa gleichbleibend
Sacramento Executive Airport (8 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Sacramento Flughafen (7 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Sacramento Mather Flughafen (29 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Sacramento McClellan Airport (23 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Saint-michel-des-saints (430 m) 1014 hPa - 0,5 hPa in 3 Std.
Salinas Municipal Airport (26 m) 1021 hPa steigend
San Bernardino Intl. Airport (353 m) 1018 hPa gleichbleibend
San Carlos Airport (1 m) 1020 hPa gleichbleibend
San Diego Intl. Airport (9 m) 1018 hPa fallend
San Francisco Intl. Airport (5 m) 1020 hPa fallend
San José Flughafen (17 m) 1020 hPa fallend
San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport (64 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Sanirajak (8 m) 1010 hPa steigend
Santa Barbara Municipal Airport (3 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Santa Maria Public Airport (73 m) 1019 hPa fallend
Santa Monica Municipal Airport (53 m) 1017 hPa fallend
Santa Ynez Flughafen (205 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Siskiyou (807 m) 1025 hPa gleichbleibend
South County Arpt Of Santa Clara County (86 m) 1021 hPa gleichbleibend
Southern California Logistics Airport (869 m) 1022 hPa gleichbleibend
Stephenville (58 m) 1018 hPa + 0,2 hPa in 3 Std.
Stockton Metropolitan Airport (8 m) 1019 hPa fallend
TROIS-RIVIERES (60 m) 1016 hPa - 1,1 hPa in 3 Std.
The Pas (274 m) 1007 hPa + 0,3 hPa in 3 Std.
Travis Air Force Base (22 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Trinity Center (728 m) 1023 hPa gleichbleibend
Truckee Tahoe Airport (1798 m) 1026 hPa gleichbleibend
Twentynine Palms Flughafen (626 m) 1019 hPa steigend
Ukiah Flughafen (187 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Val-d'Or (337 m) 1009 hPa fallend
Van Nuys Flughafen (244 m) 1016 hPa fallend
Vancouver Sea Island Ccg (2 m) 1028 hPa + 0,7 hPa in 3 Std.
Vandenberg Space Force Base (112 m) 1019 hPa gleichbleibend
Visalia Municipal Airport (89 m) 1021 hPa fallend
Waseca (640 m) 1016 hPa + 2,3 hPa in 3 Std.
Watsonville Flughafen (48 m) 1020 hPa fallend
Weaverville (716 m) 1023 hPa gleichbleibend
Whitehorse (707 m) 1018 hPa + 0,2 hPa in 3 Std.
Yuba (19 m) 1020 hPa fallend